Components of healthy and positive lifestyle

We are all well aware of the fact that positive healthy lifestyle is the most valuable source of reducing the incidence and impact of a number of health problems for recovery, for coping with life stressors and for improving the quality of life. No doubt that positive healthy lifestyle is very precious for all of us for leading a healthy life, but at the same time, in the fast-paced and frantic world, each and every individual is having a busy schedule. In fact, the demands of work, family and friends often leave us with a very little time for ourselves. To remain healthy and to have good physical and mental health, a number of healthy habits must be followed properly.

So, for maintaining a proper health, we should lay stress on different components of positive healthy lifestyle which are described below.

  1. Healthy Diet:

A healthy diet or good nutrition is one of the main components of leading a positive or healthy lifestyle. The basics of a healthy diet are lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods and low fat dairy products. Such diet is required every day in order to maintain the adequate amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals needed to have a healthy body. That is why, it is rightly said that is eat is necessity,but to eat intelligently is an art. It is so beneficial to minimise saturated fats and foods laden with sugar and salt. 

  2. Physical Activity

Physical activity or exercise is another vital component of positive lifestyle. Regular physical exercise is needed to maintain a healthy weight and to enhance strength and flexibility of the body. It reduces obesity and enhances physical fitness. It helps to have a sound sleep which prevents heart attack, strokes and other health threats. It also prolongs life. Indeed there are so many benefits of regular physical activity or exercise. It is difficult to live a complete life without it. Only due to that Edward Stanly says, "Those who think they have no time for physical exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness". Aerobic exercises such as jogging, slow running or cycling, etc., help in strengthening the heart and make the cardiovascular system more efficient. Generally 60 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity should be performed every week. It is not possible for everyone to do vigorous exercise. So, such an individual should take stairs instead of an elevator or walk instead of driving short distances. Indeed, everyone should understand that a little physical exertion is always better than doing nothing at all.

  3. Stress Management

Stress management is also a significant component of positive lifestyle. Every individual is well aware of the fact that emotional stress plays a major role in enhancing abdominal weight gain and heart diseases. Its role may be direct or indirect. In fact, stress causes the body to release stress hormone, i.e, cortisol which is related to heart disease. Not only this, such persons are also more likely to smoke, drink too much, overeat, work too hard, argue with others and so on, when they remain under stress. Stress can be managed properly  through meditation and relaxation techniques only.

  4. Socialization

Socialization is another significant component  of positive lifestyle. An individual should develop good social relations with his fellows and neighbours. He should pay visits to their homes from time to time. Such relations strengthen the social bondage between them. To be social is a good sign of positive or healthy lifestyle. Further, loving yourself is also a key to a healthy and positive lifestyle.

  5. Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is also an important component of positive lifestyle. Stress should be laid on personal hygiene such as cleanliness and proper care of eyes, nose, ears, throat, hair, teeth, tounge, feet, etc. Regarding cleanliness, it is said that 50% communicable diseases can be prevented if we lay stress on cleanliness. Indeed, personal hygiene is necessary to lead a positive or healthy lifestyle.

  6. Proper Sleep

Proper sleep is also an important component of healthy lifestyle. Lack of sleep may cause exertion or fatigue. It also causes the body to release cortisol which further leads to heart diseases. So, it is important to have proper and sound sleep for a healthy lifestyle.

  7. Balance in Life

Balance in life is also a vital component of positive lifestyle. It means that an individual who wants to achieve positive lifestyle will have to take certain steps to maintain an appropriate level of balance in physical, mental, social, emotional, financial and spiritual aspects. He will have to have a balance in his work and family and in other areas of life. If an individual is engaged in doing a thing and thinking about another, this will only lead to overlapping of the things. Indeed, we should try to get satisfaction in every aspect of life, only then we can lead a positive or healthy lifestyle. So, balance in various aspects or things in life is indispensable for leading a positive or healthy lifestyle.

  8. Safe Environment

Safe environment is also a prominent component of positive or healthy lifestyle. The living environment is a key factor to determine the psychological welfare and health status of individuals. The positive/healthy lifestyle requires such a safe environment where the harmful effects of physical (noise, radiation, etc.), chemical, biological (infectious disease, etc.) as well as social and psycho-social (stress, addiction, etc.) risk factors are reduced or eliminated. Generally, if we do not live in safe environment, whether it is physical environment or social environment, we may fall prey to a number of diseases which tell upon our health. Therefore, it can be said that safe environment is a component that is necessary for leading a positive/healthy lifestyle.

The above-mentioned components of positive or healthy lifestyle are very significant and indispensable for leading a healthy life. In the absence of any one of these components, it will be inappropriate to say that we are leading a healthy or positive lifestyle.

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  1. You’ve got some interesting points in this article. I would have never considered any of these if I didn’t come across this. Thanks!.

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  3. Excellent post! "Components of healthy and positive lifestyle"
    Thanks for share this amazing information about 'Healthy Diet' , 'Physical Activity' , 'Stress Management' , 'Socialization' , 'Personal Hygiene', 'Proper Sleep', 'Balance in Life' & 'Safe Environment'.
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