Performance-related career options in physical education

Some careers are based on the performance of the individuals in the field of sports and games. Some of the career options based on performance of individuals are as follows.

As Players

A large no. of sportspersons participate in various games and sports throughout the world. They participate at various levels such as inter-school or college level competition, district level competition, state level competition, national level competition, international level competition, Olympic games, etc. But only highly skilled performers reach at the top level. Those sportspersons, who are most successful in competitions, usually seek sports career. The job opportunities are greater than in past but number of individuals in the professional sports is very limited in western countries, whereas the job opportunities in India are very limited owing to less number of professional sports. Many sports scholarships for good sportsmen are available in India at various levels. The careers of those, who pursue sports career, are for short duration. In India, good sports career is available in cricket, lawn tennis and marathon race. Many jobs are also available for good sportspersons in government and private sectors, such as in defence services, banks, companies or industrial corporations, railways, etc. In western countries, many sportspersons in such sports as baseball, basketball, football, hockey, athletics, golf, boxing, tennis, etc., earn more in a decade of employment than an average worker during a lifetime vocation. The professional players related to 'New York yankies' get highest salaries in the world. Martina Navaratilova (tennis) gets two million dollars per year through commercial advertisements. Billie Jean King became the first woman tennis player in 1971 to win 1,00,000 dollars in a year. There are so many examples in India also, especially in cricket. The sportspersons, who want to pursue professional careers in sports, may fail to get professional ranks or have to leave the professional arena after a few years.

As Officials

The smooth conduct of a sport tournament or competition depends on good officials. As it has already been discussed above that the performance of players remains for short duration. Generally, it is a career of approximately ten years. After that sportspersons may pursue the career as officials because they know the ins and outs of the game. Such type of job opportunities are available as part-time officials or full-time officials. There are various officials in a tournament, such as referee/umpire, timekeeper, recorder, scorer, etc. Their requirements depend on the number of tournaments held every year. It is also a good career related to sports and games. Even college students earn some income by officiating in inter-college sports competitions. Many former sportspersons turn to officiating as a full-time professional career after sports career. In this career, an individual must have the participation experience and qualification to meet the standard set by the particular sports organization. In officiating, not only the knowledge of the rules is important but one must possess good officiating mechanics also. A good official must be able to work under pressure. Officiating can be a challenging career, but in India it is still in budding stage as less number of competitions are held in comparison to western countries. 

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