Communication Media-related career options in the field of sports

The communication media, i.e., television, radio, newspaper and magazines, etc., have contributed to the enhancement of various career opportunities in sports communication. The above mentioned means of communication have increased the sports coverage. Cable television channels, such as ESPN, Ten Sports and Star Sports provide 24 hours coverage of sports and games. In fact, it has enhanced a number of career opportunities in communication media. There are various  career opportunities related to communication media. These are stated subsequently. 

Sports Journalism

Those physical educators, who have a talent of writing may opt a career as a sports journalist. The sports journalist may get opportunities to work with newspapers and sports magazines, because the space for coverage of sports news as well as the number of newspapers and sports magazines is increasing rapidly. Sports journalists may write live events and feature articles about sports persons or on various topics about sports. The covering of the sports events and reporting are the most vital part of this career. Stories based on research, compiling statistics, and interviewing of players & coaches are all functions of the journalist. A sound background of physical education can be benificial to a sports journalist. He can understand the demand and nature of sports. For example, a sports journalist with the knowledge of sports psychology may be better able to explain to the public why some sports persons fail to perform under pressure, whereas, other sports persons give better performance. A sports journalist with the knowledge of exercise physiology may explain better what happens physiologically to athletes when they make efforts to finish marathon race. No doubt, career opportunities in sports journalism are ample but this field requires keen interest, taste and talent in writing.

Book Writing

Carrier opportunities are widely available in book writing in the field of physical education and sports, specially in India. As a matter of fact , there is a shortage of books on physical education and its allied subjects in India. Some physical educators, who have deep knowledge of various sub-disciplines of physical education such as sports bio-mechanics, sports sociology, sports medicine, exercise physiology, research methods, sports psychology, sports philosophy, sports pedagogy, sports management and various sports, may write textbooks, considering this as a part time career. This field also requires interest, concentration and writing talent.

Sports Photography

Sports Photography is an another carrier which can be pursued by physical educators. But this career is applicable to those physical educators who have a keen interest in photography and a strong desire to communicate to public the true meaning of sports through photographs.A talent in photography is essential for opting such a career. There are ample opportunities for sports photographers with newspapers and in sports magazines, such as Sports Week, Sports World, Khel Khiladi etc. The knowledge of bio-mechanics can help the sports photographer in getting the best angle for the photograph. The knowledge of sports sociology can be helpful in sports photography in showing the significance of sports in our society. Courses in photography and the practical experience of taking sports photographs are also essential to be a good sports photographer.

Book Publishing

Publishers of books on sports and textbooks of physical education, its sub-disciplines and allied subjects such as health education and recreation need the people who are knowledgeable about the field of physical education. Editorial workers are needed who are familiar with the demands of publications in areas related to physical education and sports. This type of job requires a knowledge of physical education, writing and editorial skills. Other people are needed in sales area, including direct sales, which usually involves travelling throughout the country to sell books. These jobs require a knowledge of physical education and comparative values of the available books. These persons should have sales ability and an understanding of the available markets for publications in the field of physical education and sports. In the same way, job opportunities are also available in publishing of sports magazines.

Sports Broadcasting

Sports broadcasting has become a popular career. Career opportunities may be found with radio and television stations, including cable television at local, regional and national levels. Sports broadcasting requires not only the knowledge of the game but also the ability to communicate clearly. The persons interested in this field need to be knowledgeable about the skills, tactics and rules of the game, including the technique of officiating. Studying physical education may provide the reporter with and understanding of the way in which sports persons train for competition and the physiological effects of performance.

The reporter must be able to relate this information to the public in simple terms. The knowledge of the sports enables him to report the moment to moment action. A reporter must have the detailed knowledge of that game because he is regarded by the public as an expert of the games, such as football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, cricket, etc. He must have the background information at least about the famous players. He must be able to speak well and not be inhibited in speaking into the microphone or in front of the camera. The practical experience can contribute a lot to one's success in getting an entry level position in this career. For this purpose of getting experience, one should try to announce the sports events at college level in the beginning of this career. Salaries are good in this career but it depends on the level of station (local station or national network).


Public's increasing interest in sports and games, health, fitness and physical activities has stimulated the sales of sports goods. Consequently, job opportunities in marketing and selling sports equipment have increased. Private companies need persons with an understanding of physical activities. Persons are needed who are familiar with the sports equipment needs and changing demands. In fact, jobs are available as salespersons and as manufacturer's representatives. Careers in marketing and selling of sports equipment are challenging ones. Salaries of marketing manager, sales representatives and salespersons depend on the sale of the products. A salesperson should be extremely knowledgeable about the product he is selling. A consumer always expects the salesperson to be an expert on all types of sports equipment. Courses in business management and accounting are helpful for the marketing manager as well as for salespersons. Salespersons should be skillful and able to identify individuals' need and sell them a product according to their needs. Opportunities of jobs for marketing managers and salespersons will definitely increase, if the interest in physical activities, sports and games and fitness continues to grow.

Sports Industry

Careers are also available in sports industry. A persons who wants a career in sports industry must have the knowledge of physical education and sports. One may establish a sports industry at a small scale. It may be related to only T-shirts and tracksuits or swimsuits which are beneficial for increasing the performance of sports persons (without losing standards) are always in demand. For example, in yesteryears, loose shorts were used by sprinters but now they prefer skin tight shorts because these shorts have less air resistance and keep the sprinters active and agile.

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  1. Dr. John den Boer is educated and trained in the specialty field of neuropsychology.” and current does Mental Skills Performance improvement aimed at identifying and improving neurocognitive development in elite athletes (with a specific focus on ball sport athletes). He also does CEO consulting and works as a fractional CEO for multiple companies, primarily start-ups looking to experience significant growth and product exposure.


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